Properties /model/properties

With this endpoint you will be able to define object properties: create new ones, disable or hide others, update and remove.


There are two kind of properties

  • static properties that match actual database columns and that cannot be changed or removed, but can be hidden
  • dynamic properties defined at project level

In other words: static are predefined properties set at the database level common to any project, dynamic are custom properties available on the current project only.

Create a property

To add a new _dynamic_ object property you can use POST /model/properties endpoint.

POST /model/properties

Example request: create new property:

POST /model/properties HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json

    "data": {
        "type": "properties",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "nickname",
            "description": "Profile nickname",
            "property_type_name": "string",
            "object_type_name": "profiles"

Required attributes in properties creation are:

  • name property name, must be in lowered snake_case and must not create collisions with other property names already registered on object_type_name, and in its parent types and subtypes
  • property_type_name selected property type, must be a valid name avilable among Property Types /model/property_types
  • object_type_name object type that will have this property

Expected response is HTTP/1.1 201 OK, with application/vnd.api+json body data representing the property just created.

If property name already exists or data is not valid (i.e. lacks of required fields or inconsistent input), POST fails and response will be 400 Bad Request - Invalid data.

Get a property

You can obtain a single property by using GET /model/properties/{id} endpoint.

GET /model/properties/{id}
  • {id} property id, numeric or hash

Example request get property:

GET /model/properties/1 HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json

    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "type": "properties",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "nickname",
            "description": "Profile nickname",
            "property_type_name": "string",
            "object_type_name": "profiles"
        "meta": {
            "created": "2017-11-23T14:24:11+00:00",
            "modified": "2017-11-23T14:24:11+00:00"
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "home": ""

Expected HTTP status response is 200 OK, if property is not found response will be 404 Not Found

View properties list

You can retrieve list of properties using GET /model/properties. Common filters like Field filter or Search Query filter may come in handy.

A special filter[object_type] can be used to get properties of a particular object type only.

GET /model/properties

Example request get enabled object types:

GET /model/properties?filter[object_type]=documents HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.api+json

Response will contain an array of properties in typical list format as shown in Response belonging to documents type only

In this response you will note two important things:

  • some items have an _hash_ id like "id": "608e814b-e4d7-57c2-8599-9692803e30bc" and some a classic numeric one; has format _ids_ represent static fields, i.e. fields that match actual database columns that in general cannot be removed, but can be hidden - see hidden object types attribute in Create an object type; instead pure numeric _ids_ represent pure dynamic properties defined at project level; static will be present in any project, dynamic are custom ones available on the current project only.
  • "object_type_name" will refer to the actual object type owning the property, it can be an abstract type; as a consequence "objects" and "media" and other custom abstract types may appear as "object_type_name" also making a request like filter[object_type]=documents: properties displayed will have the requested type and its abstract parent types as object_type_name.

An additional filter may be used to select static or dynamic properties, namely filter[type]=static or filter[type]=dynamic to view only a properties subset.

Modify a property

To change a property there is a PATCH /model/properties/{{id}} method available.

Remember that only dynamic properties may be modified, whereas static ones are immutable, but can be hidden.

PATCH /model/properties/{{id}}
  • {id} dynamic property numeric id

Example request: modify a property:

In this example we will simply disable the newly created property and change its description

PATCH /model/properties/1 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Accept: application/vnd.api+json

    "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "type": "properties",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "nickname",
            "description": "A brand new property description"

Response status 200 OK expected upon success and complete modified property is returned like in Get a property.

Please note that once a property has been used in your project changing some attributes may not be changed in order to avoid conflicts and errors, namely: name, property_type_name and object_type_name.

Remove a property

You can permanently remove a property invoking DELETE /model/properties/{id}. Only dynamic properties may be removed.

Please note that this operation cannot be reversed!

DELETE /model/properties/(id)
  • {id} dynamic property numeric id

Example request: delete property:

DELETE /model/properties/1 HTTP/1.1

Expected HTTP status response is 204 No Content.

If property is not found, response will be 404 Not Found, if delete operation is not allowed a 403 Forbidden will be sent.

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content